Jay & Joyce's Passive Solar House
North Central Vermont, U.S.A.
Main Page
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Phase 1 is Complete
Here's a view of the house, with the doors and windows put in. The roof is on (standing
seam sheet metal, in green). Conspicuously absent -- the wraparound deck that the door
on the middle floor will someday open onto. |
Also absent -- siding. The yellow color is NOT paint, but is a liquid latex coating
which was applied over the OSB of the SIPs. The latex provides a moisture barrier, and
seals the nails and other fasteners, keeping them from rusting and wicking heat to the
outside. And just in time, too! Winter was settling in. |
This is the front door. It will eventually get a covered porch. |
A view of the interior. You can see the ladder going from the second floor, through the
ceiling and up to the cupola. Interior framing is only just beginning, and plastic sheeting
provided all of our walls. (Strangely, none of our friends wanted to stay with us) |
And here's the first floor "bedroom" again. The house still had no heating system, and
the tent provided a surprising amount of warmth. But we could use the wood stove, now
that the sheet metal roof was on. |